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swamp space reachability

  • From: Gabriel Cain
  • Date: Fri May 13 12:43:17 2005

Hi all.

I have a bit of an issue. A while ago, I was issued from ARIN (under ipv4 policy, - the minimum allocation for multihomed networks). I've just gotten around to announcing it to migrate off of my PA space. In testing, I've determined that a number of networks are blackholing my traffic. I've started attempting to contact the various networks that appear to be blocking my traffic, but that's not going particularly fast.

My question: Has anyone else who has received a small allocation from ARIN had this happen to them?

If you'd like to look and see if you see my announcement, I'm announcing, as well as the four /24s that make it up (the deagg is temporary and to see if it helps, I'm well aware that aggregating is preferred). My AS is 30233.


P.S. To those of you who will be at NANOG 34 this Sunday, I look forward to meeting you guys.

Gabriel Cain
Senior Systems Administrator [email protected]
Dialup USA, Inc. 888-460-2286 ext 208
PGP fingerprint: C0B4 C6BF 13F5 69D1 3E6B CD7C D4C8 2EA4 2B08 1C6D

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of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather in a lack of will.