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Re: Vonage Hits ISP Resistance

  • From: Eric A. Hall
  • Date: Thu Mar 31 09:50:11 2005

On 3/30/2005 9:36 PM, Chris Adams wrote:
> Once upon a time, Eric A. Hall <[email protected]> said:
>>Do you also block NNTP so that customers have to use your servers?
> Change that to SMTP and you'll get a bunch of "yes" answers.  Why is one
> right and the other wrong?

It's not "SMTP" or even "Internet mail" that people are blocking, it's
just the server-to-server transfer part, not the client-to-server or any
of the other components. And the reason the server-to-server transfers are
being blocked isn't because of competition with those other servers, it's
because of harrassment of those sites by ~your customers. This is all
pretty different from blocking ~NNTP because you're mad that ~SuperNews is
using your network to make money.

Eric A. Hall                              
Internet Core Protocols