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Re: Vonage Hits ISP Resistance

  • From: Owen DeLong
  • Date: Thu Mar 31 01:01:23 2005

--On Wednesday, March 30, 2005 21:36 -0600 Chris Adams <[email protected]> wrote:

Once upon a time, Eric A. Hall <[email protected]> said:
Do you also block NNTP so that customers have to use your servers?
Change that to SMTP and you'll get a bunch of "yes" answers.  Why is one
right and the other wrong?
Because by and large ISPs would rather not block SMTP, but, they basically
have to to try and prevent massive DDOS.  NNTP is not so widely abused
as SMTP.  Also, I would not patronize an ISP where the SMTP block was not
optional, and, I encourage any of my consulting customers who encounter this
and are unable to get their ISP to remove the block for them to find another


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