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Re: minimum requirements for a full bgp feed

  • From: Christopher Woodfield
  • Date: Tue Jan 04 11:55:29 2005

256M should be considered a minimum. As far back as a year ago it was dicey to run BGP with could load the table, but a BGP flap would cause MALLOCFAILs aplenty. If there's a router out there that can hold today's table in 128M, it won't stay that way for long.

How may BGP peers are you planning on homing on this box? If you're looking at more than a handful, I'd even say that 256M may not be enough for long...


On Jan 3, 2005, at 9:27 AM, Erik Amundson wrote:


In my experience it depends on the model of router.� I had a 3640 (granted, it's old) with 128MB that was just fine until a couple of months ago, now it's not enough.� For one BGP table you will have to have at least 256MB in a 36xx router.� Our 720xVXR routers currently have 256MB in them as well, but we've already ordered upgrades to 1GB with new NPE-G1s...

- Erik

From: Mark Bojara [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, January 03, 2005 8:23 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: minimum requirements for a full bgp feed

Hello All,

If I wish to purchase a Cisco router that handles a full internet BGP feed what are the minimum specs I should be looking at?

Mark Bojara