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Re: Winstar says there is no TCP/BGP vulnerability

  • From: Rodney Joffe
  • Date: Wed Apr 28 14:44:28 2004

Kevin Oberman wrote:
> > And this loss of $200k+ in revenue helps Winstar how?
> Education?

That was my point. Apparently not. A week or more ago, they knew that
was the next stop. They ignored it. So they were not in need of
education. Hence my original question - in the *real* world, was there
another solution. In *this* specific situation where you were limited in
forcing peers to do anything upstream.

If there was an OT list, we should have been there already. So lets just
kill it here ;-)

Rodney Joffe
CenterGate Research Group, LLC.
"Technology so advanced, even we don't understand it!"(R)