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Re: The Geography of Spam

  • From: Joe Abley
  • Date: Tue Mar 02 17:41:52 2004

On 2 Mar 2004, at 15:57, Michael Airhart wrote:

Somehow it seems like when you take into account the number of PCs on high speed connections, these numbers make a lot of sense. The US has a large population of these PCs so yeah, duh, the US leads in compromised hosts.
Well, the report "Broadband Internet Access in OECD Countries" shows that in 2002 only 36% of all broadband internet users were in the US. That's a greater proportion than any other single country, but according to that report most broadband subscribers are not in the US.

The quoted report said "the U.S. routes more spam e-mail traffic than the rest of the world combined", not "... than any other single country".

So it appears there might be other forces at work than simply "more broadband users".
