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Re: MTU path discovery and IPSec

  • From: Owen DeLong
  • Date: Wed Dec 03 11:48:43 2003

A subtle correction...

A router where all MTUs are the same will never have to fragement
anything. A router where all MTUs are >=1500 will probably not
need to fragment anything. However, it is possible to attach
a host via GIG-E or other media which supports jumbo frames
(Frame relay, for example) and need to fragment to support a
1500 octet MTU. Currently, this would be a rare occurrence, but,
it is possible in some circumstances. Eventually, if this assumption
were to circulate widely, it could have similar consequences to many
other errant assumptions on the internet.


--On Wednesday, December 3, 2003 11:19 AM -0500 "Steven M. Bellovin" <[email protected]> wrote:

In message <[email protected]>, [email protected]
Two questions:

1) I assume MTU path discovery has to been in enabled on each router in
the pa th in order for it work correctly?!
No -- it only has to be enabled on routers with smaller outbound MTUs
than inbound.  A router for which all links have a 1500-byte MTU
doesn't need path MTU discovery; it will never need to fragment

		--Steve Bellovin,

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