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pgp keysigning party at 9pm, salon F

  • From: Joe Abley
  • Date: Mon Oct 20 20:27:15 2003

Hash: SHA1

I have just cut a keyring with the 34 keys sent in for tonight's key party, which you will find at: (ASCII-armoured version)

Fingerprints are below, and will also be available on about 30 dead-tree handouts which I'll take with me to salon F at 9pm.


pub 1024D/05C657DA 2003-10-13 Ingrid Erkman <[email protected]>
Key fingerprint = DAFA AB89 3674 B685 E36B 74ED FB5E 7E41 05C6 57DA
sub 2048g/40D7181B 2003-10-13

pub 1024D/D33C5095 2003-05-27 Kurtis Lindqvist <[email protected]>
Key fingerprint = 2272 698F 6116 15F4 8D58 D631 A6AB 34A5 D33C 5095
uid Kurtis Lindqvist <[email protected]>
uid Kurtis Lindqvist <[email protected]>
sub 2048g/7CCBFF3A 2003-05-27

pub 1024D/CCA5211A 2003-10-20 Andrew Partan <[email protected]>
Key fingerprint = 8007 3813 C415 37A8 4047 D19B 102F 0E27 CCA5 211A
sub 2048g/E6D754EB 2003-10-20

pub 1024D/5887668E 2002-08-09 Chris Liljenstolpe (personal key) <[email protected]>
Key fingerprint = 3242 6DBB 93BB 3227 11A7 0E2E 4384 FA9F 5887 668E
uid Chris Liljenstolpe (personal key) <[email protected]>
uid Chris Liljenstolpe (Alcatel work address) <[email protected]>
sub 1024D/51A7A252 2002-08-09 [expires: 2004-08-08]
sub 2048g/B4FC4ECA 2003-09-09 [expires: 2004-09-08]
sub 1024R/209293C1 2003-09-09 [expires: 2004-09-08]

pub 1024D/1C71DDEA 2002-11-07 Chad Skidmore <[email protected]>
Key fingerprint = 6AD2 56AB 3153 18D7 BAEC 7CBF FF18 F3E4 1C71 DDEA
sub 2048g/1FC903B2 2002-11-07 [expires: 2003-11-07]

pub 1024D/B0413BFA 1999-11-27 Gregory Maxwell <[email protected]>
Key fingerprint = DE47 BC9E 6D2D A6B0 2DC6 10B1 AC85 9362 B041 3BFA
uid Gregory Maxwell <[email protected]>
sub 2048g/F0F0B355 1999-11-27

pub 768R/8FB07FA5 1996-01-23 Jared Mauch <[email protected]>
Key fingerprint = 61 90 2E DD 7A 7E 80 F2 55 C7 48 23 10 CE 2C A7

pub 1024D/1FCE8F63 2002-12-04 Jared Mauch <[email protected]>
Key fingerprint = E91D D981 58C0 BA4F 87EB 92B8 19F3 2B7F 1FCE 8F63
sub 2048g/1E47671E 2002-12-04 [expires: 2017-11-30]

pub 1024D/4DA19C8E 2001-12-15 John Curran <[email protected]>
Key fingerprint = 4A71 8D23 C163 1504 E718 A718 876D 9341 4DA1 9C8E
sub 4096g/52A762BA 2001-12-15

pub 1024D/B58EB3D7 2003-10-19 Jeff Gallagher <[email protected]>
Key fingerprint = D614 4AD1 63E9 1B89 88A5 E454 BE4B E110 B58E B3D7
sub 2048g/716B1FC3 2003-10-19

pub 1024D/B67F56B2 2003-08-11 Joel Jaeggli (08112003-alternate to pgp 5 keypair) <[email protected]>
Key fingerprint = 5C6E 0104 BAF0 40B0 5BD3 C38B F000 35AB B67F 56B2
sub 4096g/29407F92 2003-08-11

pub 1024R/DAD87E19 2001-07-10 Johan Ihren <[email protected]>
Key fingerprint = 0B 84 CB E5 81 08 3D C3 37 15 53 F8 6C 60 DB D5

pub 1024D/7FDE085A 2003-05-07 Jon C. R. Bennett (yahoo) <[email protected]>
Key fingerprint = EFFE 158B 91CC 3182 5158 8297 D2FF 109C 7FDE 085A
sub 4096g/9099A410 2003-05-07
sub 1025g/446152E9 2003-05-07

pub 1024D/E5D36C49 1998-04-19 Kevin Houle <[email protected]>
Key fingerprint = 7F59 2D43 FF67 EDE7 4757 E0E9 BBF3 530B E5D3 6C49
uid Kevin Houle <[email protected]>
uid Kevin Houle <[email protected]>
uid Kevin Houle <[email protected]>
uid Kevin Houle <[email protected]>
uid Kevin Houle <[email protected]>
uid Kevin Houle <[email protected]>
uid Kevin Houle <[email protected]>
sub 2048g/0615EA47 1998-04-19

pub 1024D/EBD6D9CD 1998-07-07 Kevin J. Houle <[email protected]>
Key fingerprint = 2777 05E4 143E 72F1 2DEC CA25 4D73 6BD6 EBD6 D9CD
uid Kevin J. Houle <[email protected]>
uid Kevin J. Houle <[email protected]>
uid Kevin J. Houle <[email protected]>
sub 2048g/C8F1320A 1998-07-07

pub 1024D/848B1194 1999-07-07 Kevin Miller <[email protected]>
Key fingerprint = 2B94 7C7E AF64 CDBD 9BFE 26C4 0CA5 20FE 848B 1194
uid [email protected]
uid Kevin Miller <[email protected]>
sub 2048g/D55113EB 1999-07-07

pub 1024D/9090EAFE 2003-10-12 John Kristoff <[email protected]>
Key fingerprint = DBBC 33CC 2408 DFF5 CFCB 86C9 40A6 3FEF 9090 EAFE
sub 4096g/216E26F4 2003-10-12

pub 1024D/C85CCA46 1999-11-16 John Kristoff <[email protected]>
Key fingerprint = C594 D57F 9538 CFE5 4F06 549F 207C C968 C85C CA46
sub 4096g/7E09D763 1999-11-16

pub 1024D/47DF22ED 2000-07-01 Majdi S. Abbas <[email protected]>
Key fingerprint = 3B64 64C4 BD62 B949 4A9B 5F12 C12C EDFD 47DF 22ED
sub 4096g/6EE7E22C 2000-07-01

pub 1024D/9DAE11D9 2001-02-22 Mark A. Schleifer <[email protected]>
Key fingerprint = C98C CCDF 179E 5A68 DC82 BF5A ECDE E9CB 9DAE 11D9
sub 2048g/CB8FBA9B 2001-02-22

pub 1024D/0B12861B 2003-10-20 [email protected]
Key fingerprint = 2534 D547 3F4B 45D0 70A6 468A A326 F3CB 0B12 861B
sub 2048g/9F635B17 2003-10-20 [expires: 2006-07-15]

pub 1024D/E67A242B 2003-06-17 Kris Foster <[email protected]>
Key fingerprint = EEA7 BAC3 809A 4AE6 4A78 C7E7 06A1 91EA E67A 242B
sub 1024g/B3B7D5AF 2003-06-17

pub 1024D/6E0FA224 2003-08-07 Robert Drake <[email protected]>
Key fingerprint = B7B4 4B3D 77FA CC9F FD07 A985 8DBA 4E07 6E0F A224
sub 1024g/BFD65DD6 2003-08-07 [expires: 2008-08-05]

pub 1024D/9B986F89 1998-12-01 Nigel Titley <[email protected]>
Key fingerprint = A987 798A 5392 78C0 68E4 99D2 3FE0 7854 9B98 6F89
uid Nigel R. Titley <[email protected]>
uid Nigel Titley <[email protected]>
uid Nigel R Titley <[email protected]>
uid Nigel R Titley (Work) <[email protected]>
uid Nigel R Titley (Work) <[email protected]>
sub 2048g/F809D7B7 1998-12-01

pub 1024D/37E00C46 2002-06-28 Michael K. Smith <[email protected]>
Key fingerprint = 4374 00CC C99A 4679 1D6C F465 9CE0 C7B6 37E0 0C46
sub 2048g/3D6EE614 2002-06-28

pub 1024D/CBDB98A2 2003-10-20 Robert J. Berger <[email protected]>
Key fingerprint = 1531 F11E 23AE 22AC CE9E B21E 80FC AAAC CBDB 98A2
uid [jpeg image of size 9794]
sub 2048g/3B98D9F7 2003-10-20

pub 1024R/E9197361 1996-05-24 Sean McCreary <[email protected]>
Key fingerprint = FE C0 DA CD 9E C3 E3 8D C6 B2 85 14 E6 CE E9 7F

pub 768R/772CA539 1998-12-03 [email protected]
Key fingerprint = 39 6D 8E 50 3A 3B 6A 3A 5F 30 2C DC 67 F5 C0 0E
uid [email protected]
uid Stephen J. Wilcox <[email protected]>

pub 1024D/B4D24B53 2003-05-30 Todd Christell (SpringNet) <[email protected]>
Key fingerprint = A051 FA08 7DFD 6D34 8F3C 0791 C610 FB2E B4D2 4B53
sub 1024g/30A62D86 2003-05-30

pub 1024D/DBB02F29 2002-08-13 Todd O'Boyle (DISA CONUS RCERT) <[email protected]>
Key fingerprint = 7DC7 BEF0 98E3 5F45 E13A E0BF 0585 2DA8 DBB0 2F29
uid Todd O'Boyle <[email protected]>
uid Todd O'Boyle (The Purdue University Computer Society) <[email protected]>
uid Todd O'Boyle <[email protected]>
sub 1024g/8E36CA5D 2002-08-13 [expires: 2004-08-12]

pub 1024D/12B73747 2003-06-02 Tony Weasler III (ElgE Key) <[email protected]>
Key fingerprint = 2BFA E9DD 05A3 9674 ACF2 23D9 C30E BAC2 12B7 3747
sub 1792g/7C4464D1 2003-06-02

pub 1024R/EB9D36A9 1994-09-30 Tony Weasler III <[email protected]>
Key fingerprint = 7F D5 03 E8 16 43 6A 5E ED A4 07 4B 42 3E FE 7E

pub 2048R/9AD09F2D 2003-10-17 Troy Lister (RSA Legacy / PGP 2.6+) v2003/2004 <[email protected]>
Key fingerprint = 04 C4 39 71 C1 2D CA 38 70 2E 54 08 97 4F 2C 67

pub 1024D/B0D4181C 2003-10-20 William Fernando Maton <[email protected]>
Key fingerprint = 95D2 A730 47A0 308A ED87 91F7 D19E 2A31 B0D4 181C
sub 2048g/19987540 2003-10-20

pub 1024D/E4DB44F2 2002-08-14 Joe Abley <[email protected]>
Key fingerprint = 9DC3 1ED0 F3DD 67A2 56D0 7521 FDFF 8F58 E4DB 44F2
uid Joe Abley <[email protected]>
sub 2048g/C2A8FC71 2002-08-14 [expires: 2005-10-19]

pub 1024D/CAD509C6 2001-03-08 Joe Abley (extra-strength key for signing purposes) <[email protected]>
Key fingerprint = 0927 4C33 D5C0 8B9B E051 989C D20F D405 CAD5 09C6
sub 4096g/C1B12A96 2001-03-08 [expires: 2005-10-19]

pub 1024D/6D521472 2003-10-20 William F. Maton <[email protected]>
Key fingerprint = EFB5 F3F7 7ED7 1275 7875 B029 9FC1 0D01 6D52 1472
sub 2048g/4C5EB7CE 2003-10-21

Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (Darwin)
