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Re: To send or not to send 'virus in email' notifications?

  • From: Joe Maimon
  • Date: Thu Aug 21 09:28:57 2003

Patrick Muldoon wrote:

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On Thursday 21 August 2003 12:08 am, David Schwartz wrote:

One of my pet peeves is anti-virus programs that detect a virus by name,
so they should know that it always spoofs the sender address, still sending
messages referring to the "message you sent". I wonder if people receive
those, scan for viruses, and then when they don't find one, do one of the

1) Take their computer to a computer store and pay for needless 'repairs',

2) Reinstall/reformat rather than take chances.

3)Call up their Geeky son and panic...
On this subject, my major pet peeve would be that at least 85% of the bounce messages that I have seen coming back here, don't contain enough information to figure out where the Original Message

Amavis sends back in the notification message the original message's headers (plus more if you wish).
amavis-new has templates and such.

You would think other people who pay their developers nice sums of money could do the same.