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Re: What could have been done differently?

  • From: Steven M. Bellovin
  • Date: Tue Jan 28 21:09:43 2003

In message <[email protected]>, Scott Francis writes:

>There's a difference between having the occasional bug in one's software
>(Apache, OpenSSH) and having a track record of remotely exploitable
>vulnerabilities in virtually EVERY revision of EVERY product one ships, on
>the client-side, the server side and in the OS itself. Microsoft does not
>care about security, regardless of what their latest marketing ploy may be.
>If they did, they would not be releasing the same exact bugs in their
>software year after year after year.

They do have a lousy track record.  I'm convinced, though, that
they're sincere about wanting to improve, and they're really trying
very hard.  In fact, I hope that some other vendors follow their
lead.  My big worry isn't the micro-issues like buffer overflows
-- it's the meta-issue of an overall too-complex architecture.  I
don't think they have a handle on that yet.

		--Steve Bellovin, (me) (2nd edition of "Firewalls" book)