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Re: Reducing Usenet Bandwidth

  • From: Steven M. Bellovin
  • Date: Tue Feb 12 00:23:07 2002

In message <[email protected]>, "Michael Painter" writes:
>Kinda' off topic, but I've seen this gibberish in many spam posts to usenet
>groups.  What purpose does it serve?
>"She may will virtually cook above Ron when the sticky wrinkles
>nibble with the sharp river.  One more pathetic fresh weavers
>firmly wander as the abysmal frames dream.
>Why will you reject the sweet deep tags before Priscilla does?
>Hardly any empty envelopes are polite and other short printers are
>cheap, but will Pearl irrigate that?  She'd rather cover eventually than
>scold with Ophelia's fat dose.
>Are you kind, I mean, arriving without handsome candles?  He might
>judge the difficult sauce and explain it in front of its light.
>Every proud dryers dye Jay, and they wistfully receive Elisa too.  Get your
>easily climbing ball inside my mirror.  You won't help me recommending
>outside your smart monument.  Some forks fear, excuse, and taste.  Others
>angrily sow."

Some spammers add random gibberish to foil assorted anti-spam 
techniques.  If this gibberish is different than the gibberish the same 
ad has in another newsgroup, it will appear to be a different post, and 
won't be canceled.

		--Steve Bellovin,
		Full text of "Firewalls" book now at