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Re: NY ranks #1 in Internet b/w

  • From: Bram Dov Abramson
  • Date: Thu Nov 01 16:29:41 2001

But if you look at trunks going into *another* country the same report comes
to this ranking.

 New York

This report also says that the relevance of US for Internet is decreasing.
Well, yeah.

Interregional Internet bandwidth: connects between world regions. Based on aggregate sum, New York is most significant metro.

International Internet bandwidth: connects between countries. Based on aggregate sum, London is most significant metro. (Hint: Europe has all those border-crossing fiber rings.)

Relevance of US for [global] Internet: decreasing. Region-to-region traffic still goes mostly through US, but in most regions, historical trend is for country-to-country traffic to stay in-region more often, eg more intraregional links in Asia (7 percent of its aggregate international Internet bandwidth at mid-1999, 13 percent at 2000, 18 percent at 2001). Not particularly earthshattering news, but perhaps interesting.


As ever:  never trust a statistic unless you faked it yourself ...
Yup. But if people put enough time and (properly-directioned) effort into their fakes, they can end up with something distinctly usable for a limited set of applications. Statistics are a trade-off.
