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OT: PHB Wants Information-- Not Available?

  • From: Allan Carscaddon
  • Date: Thu Oct 11 17:31:02 2001

Sorry to bother everyone, but I'm trying to save colleagues from being pointlessly flogged by a PHB. The PHB in question has assigned some junior staffers to find out, and I quote, "The market share of providers in Frame Relay and ATM, by state, by provider." My colleagues have been trying-- they even got up the nerve to bother me-- but there doesn't seem to be any resource paid or free that can give them this information.

Their desperation is moving enough (there have been some layoffs here) that I am willing to bother NANOG with off-topic drivel such as this:

Do any of you know if there is a source out there that has this kind of information? The PHB is willing to pay, so if you know of even a paid information source out there, it will suffice.

One proxy that I thought of, although this information is also (apparently) not available, would be to know where frame and ATM equipment is deployed. Similar information is available for voice services in COs-- is there anything available for frame/ATM like in the voice world? I'm thinking of the various places to get details on what services are offered from which COs for voice and DSL-- I think that the (relatively) non-tariffed nature of these services means that this would not be available.

If there is no way to get this data, that is fine-- I'd like to know this so that I can tell PHB and provide some cover/relief to my colleagues.

Thanks in advance, and sorry for the off-topicness,
