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Re: Multicast Traffic on Backbones

  • From: Randy Bush
  • Date: Sun Jun 10 14:13:12 2001

> Now you get to a Randy Bush argument of what are you actually paying me
> for

credit where due department:

i was merely channeling a position sean doran has taken for many years

and, while we have a non-op message
  o after five years, i graduated from verio a couple of months ago, and
    am now at at&t doing research and architecture
  o i suspect the nanog thread regarding which backbones have native
    multicast enabled may be inaccurate.  but it's good to see new folk
    exploring the technology
  o the folk most interested in revising the meaning of "tier-1" are
    usually those who are not
  o the  kiddies are out for the summer nothing constructive to do, so
    are impersonating net operators on aim, phone, etc.  so verify cold
    calls, aim, etc.
  o ipv6, mpls, and diffserve-enabled backbones will solve all your
