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Re: black hat .cn networks

  • From: Shawn McMahon
  • Date: Wed May 02 09:04:21 2001

On Wed, May 02, 2001 at 03:18:15AM -0400, John Fraizer wrote:
> correctly.  Believe it or not, there are a WHOLE bunch of operators who
> actually use the fangled device that Alexander Bell patented when we need
> to contact someone FAST.  (That is when the ^&*(#'s have valid information
> out at PUCK or in ARIN or something at least mirrored  by RADB.)

Don't count out the utility of AIM so quickly.

If I need to speak to one of three people to get a problem with their
area fixed, I can pop up AIM and see that two are away, and call the right
one instead of wasting time on the other two.  (It's not perfect, but then
an unanswered phone isn't proof the person isn't there, either.)

And don't forget this common instant message:

"Get off the phone, we have a problem."   With instant feedback as to
delivery, unlike with most pagers.

It's another tool.  If you use it wisely it's useful.  If you rely upon it
for things it's not built to do, it sucks.

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