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Re: Would anyone be interested (SQL/Bind)

  • From: Steven J. Sobol
  • Date: Mon Mar 12 20:47:19 2001

On Mon, 12 Mar 2001, David R. Conrad wrote:

> I might point out that BIND version 9 comes with a Postgres/SQL sample 
> "simple database interface" driver that permits the storage of DNS zone 
> data in a Postgres/SQL database.  Zone data is extracted from the database 
> per query (the data does not need to be extracted and BIND reloaded).  If 
> the DNS load is too high to support SQL queries on a per-DNS query basis, 
> using a stealth primary would most likely work.

I'll take a look at that. It might be a good idea to make it modular, if
it isn't already modular[0], so that people could create "plugins" that
work with other databases. Personally, I'm going to see how much work is
involved in porting the code to MySQL, since I don't use Postgres.

[0] I imagine the chances are good that it's already modular, but I
haven't really had a chance to look at Bind 9 yet. I have to get it
installed on a development box and do a little testing before I am
comfortable enough to do anything with it.

Steven J. Sobol/CTO/ LLC | [email protected]
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