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Re: ARIN Policy on IP-based Web Hosting

  • From: Rodney Joffe
  • Date: Thu Aug 31 19:29:12 2000

Patrick Greenwell wrote:

> Have you considered the possibility that some people do not have the time
> to be physically present when votes on how everyone will be forced to run
> their business are taken?

That's a disingenuous response, Patrick. 

Perhaps you could suggest an alternative? Not having a vote because some
people can't be there is no way to run a democracy, which this still
appears to be in this case. 

Would an absentee ballot system work for you? How would you be part of
the discussions? 

What would you have happen?

Rodney Joffe
CenterGate Research Group, LLC.
"Technology so advanced, even we don't understand it!"(SM)