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Re: DVB/IP from teleglobe (and/or others)

  • From: Hank Nussbacher
  • Date: Wed Jun 14 00:50:11 2000

At 17:03 13/06/00 -0400, Jim Mercer wrote:

Try Don't know if they can do what you want - but worth a try.


i have a client that is looking to use DVB/IP to blast ip packets into various
geographic areas.

DVB/IP is basically piggy backing ip packets on Digital Video Broadcast
satelite signals, allowing the end-users to collect the packets with a
rather inexpensive receiving dish.

the end-user will need some normal method of sending their packets out,
typically via dial-up into a local ISP.

this is nothing new, direct PC/ hughes have been doing it for a while, although
i don't know if they are/were using DVB/IP, but a similar set up.

teleglobe markets a service where they will advertise some subnets on your
behalf, take the incoming packets and spew them into the areas you are looking
to go.

when investigating this, i initially thought it was great.

i started discussing issues i had, like how it would be a good idea to have the
ingress of the DVB/IP network-wise close to the client's internet egress.

this would reduce some of the problems of asymetric routing.

i also pointed out, that it would be a good idea to have some kinda system
in front of the DVB/IP so that you could do some level of firewalling against
DoS attacks and such.

i then found out that teleglobe makes no provision for the customer to
filter the packets before they hit the DVB/IP uplink.

the best they offered was to allow an out-of-band (ie. almost paperbound
procedure) configuration of an access list on their router.

are their any other DVB/IP providers who will allow my clients to install
a firewall/filter box in front of the DVB/IP uplink?

[ Jim Mercer [email protected] +1 416 410-5633 ]
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