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Re: didn't make it?

  • From: Sean Donelan
  • Date: Sat Jan 01 14:39:46 2000

On Sat, 01 January 2000, Dave Neff wrote:
> I used the nist program to synchronize time on 4 of my servers. All 4 of
> these servers sometime during New Years evening changed the time to
> December 31, 1909!!!!  Servers not synchronzing with nist were fine.  I
> turned off the nist program and set the time manually and all was well.
> It may have started midnight GMT, but I am not sure.  My only Y2K glitch!
> And I kept telling people, "We synchronize with NIST, so as long as they
> are Y2K compliant we will be fine."  I am not sure if the problem was with
> NIST, or my version of the program the synchronized clocks, but I was
> quite surprised.

I'm still trying to track down what happened.  The latest report is NIST
had a [maybe Y2K] problem with their internal system to coordinate the
servers.  When the NTP servers lost contact with the clock source, they
became unsynchronized.  Many clients won't synchronize to a server with
an unsynchronized clock.

That doesn't completely explain why is not available.
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