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FW: Tech contact for Qwest?

  • From: Chris Flores
  • Date: Fri Aug 20 14:53:15 1999

---Original message----

Maybe not an appropriate topic for Nanog... but... it is becoming a sad fact
that the clue level of 'internet engineers' is going down.



That's a fairly strong statement to make. Large telcos/ISPs tend to through
"newbie" engineers into situations where a experienced or senior engineer
belongs. Let's face facts - there are not enough IP engineers/technicians to
fill all the needed positions. Companies need to either have more peer
review or expect the "clueless"  attitude toward customers. No one could
expect a entry level engineer to handle complex ISP BGP issues when they
barely understand VLSM/CIDR. The industry is much larger than previous
years(obvious), thus more entry level engineers.