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Re: more Internic nightmare

  • From: Marc Slemko
  • Date: Tue Mar 23 18:49:25 1999

On Tue, 23 Mar 1999, Jeremiah Kristal wrote:

> Has Internic officially announced that they are only allowing 10
> registrations per customer per day or is this another arbitrary change?


Where do you get this idea from?

I see that their online form won't let you sign up for more than 10
domains at the same time, but I see no problem with that.

Please don't post "oh, is the internic doing this" in a way that sounds
like you have some reason to think they are without giving that reason. It
leads to rampant speculation on things that probably have nothing to do
with reality.

I'm not saying they aren't doing this, but I am saying that it is silly to
post such a statement without posting a reason to back it up.

There are enough real reasons to vilify NSI.

At least they increased the maximumum number of records returned from 10
to 50 in response to me asking "so, just how can I see the whois record
for" but that still, of course, doesn't fix the real problem of
it being impossible to do a whois lookup on a domain name by domain name,
not handle or company name.