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Re: Xedia vs Packeteer Comparsion

  • From: bcurnow
  • Date: Fri Oct 30 17:30:23 1998

I got some followups/corrections on key points which I feel I should

The person from Xedia who told me 600 was the class limit, emailed me
again and realized that I might really mean how many end points under
control of those classes.  The answer I came away with is that the Xedia
can support a lot more end points (users) than 600.  Hope I got that
right. :)

An engineer at also said 600 was too low, and that it is more an
issue of how much RAM is in the box.  He said thousands, which sounds

So, if I had to buy today, it looks like Xedia is the one to have if
you're doing things on a large scale.

----------------- Brian  Curnow ----------------