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Re: Weird BGP Issue

  • From: Tatsuya Kawasaki
  • Date: Wed Jul 22 04:19:34 1998

Dear Jason,

On Wed, 22 Jul 1998, Jason L. Weisberger wrote:

> > omit something but according to your explaination, you did not
> > mention anyhing about ISP Y's routing policy.
> Y's routing policy should effect both blocks in the same way however, and
> not be an issue - so long as they haven't decided to specifically route
> the block strangely.

Not necessary but it should ...

> I'm actually dumbing down this problem as we obviously have more than just
> 2 peers and certainly more than 1 AS-hop at play here, but if I can get an
> answer to why this is happening I can reason it out from there.

Now you are speaking.  That is the problem  though I don't know why.
other politics, I meant policies.
We have similar problems.  some of our block is annouced one way and
another block  are annouced other way though we are not doing anything
 really special.  What makes even worse that though for some BGP path 
is annouced but because of filtering, it is not really a path. :~<

I can almost bet that someone on  your AS_PATH knows  what is going on
your BGP annoucement. One of the way to solve the problem is ask everyone 
on AS_Path to see anyone is really doing something.  
That's I am intend to do for my case.

Any better idea?

> > In theory, someone else other than you  can change BGP route update
> > infomation, but I don't think it is the case or perhaps?
> > 
> Theoretically people are not tweaking the routes, atleast thats what I am
> told.
> Oh well, back to pounding my head against a wall and watching the History
> channel.
> --
> Jason Weisberger
> Chief Technology Officer
> SoftAware, Inc. - 310/305-0275
> ...but the wicked shall do wickedly...
> --Daniel 12:10
