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Re: ARIN allocating /20 netblocks?

  • From: Jon Lewis
  • Date: Sat May 16 16:37:18 1998

On Fri, 15 May 1998, Kim Hubbard wrote:

> ARIN just can't win with some people :-)  If we don't change policy, we're
> evil....if we do, we're greedy.  *sigh*

The only problem I can see people possibly having is that a small ISP
might get stuck with an extra $2500 ARIN fee.  i.e.  

Year 1) Joe small ISP utilizes a /21 and applies for a CIDR block.  ARIN
allocates them a /20 from reserved /19 ($2500 fee up front). 

Year 2) Joe small ISP fills up their /20 and applies for the other half of
their reserved /19.  They owe ARIN $2500 since they received space (as a
small ISP) the year before.

Year 3) Joe small ISP owes another $2500 because they received space (the
top of their /19) in the previous year. 

So...they've effectively spent $7500 for a /19 instead of the $5000 it
would have cost had they been big enough to qualify for the whole block at

BTW...the ARIN site says "The annual subscription fee will be based on the
total allocation of address space received in the previous year."  Does
this mean calendar year, or year worth of time starting at the ISP's first
ARIN allocation?

 Jon Lewis <[email protected]>  | for cheap 
 Network Administrator       |  life insurance over the net.
 Florida Digital Turnpike    |  
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