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Re: [nanog] Re: SMURF amplifier block list

  • From: Stephen Balbach
  • Date: Sat Apr 11 21:43:19 1998

On Sat, 11 Apr 1998, Michael Dillon wrote:

> On Sat, 11 Apr 1998, Sean M. Doran wrote:
> > This is a monumental admission: I think Karl is doing the right thing.
> However there are a couple of minor flaws that could be fixed.
> One is to sort the list by IP address to make it easier for folks to scan
> through and see if they recognize any addresses of companies that they
> have some contact with. Even better would be to include the netblock names
> from
> And the other is to include the URL of a website that explains how to fix
> the problem. This makes it a whole lot easier to explain to people. 
> P.S. maybe there is a 3rd flaw.... Maybe the list should be posted to
>      alt.2600 as well? >:->

Another problem. Say I (and others) use this list. How do I know when the
perpetrators fix it? They may contact Karl. Karl may or may not keep the
blacklist alive on nanog 2 years from now. Bad sites gone good are still
blocked from my site. Is there a easy way to independently verify if it's
been fixed?

Even better if someone kept a central list with accountability. Perhaps
you could pay for verified updated access-lists..  prevent SMURF attacks,
emergency DoS attack swat teams for hire, etc.. a 1-2 man consulting
