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Re: Coincidence...

  • From: Vadim Antonov
  • Date: Wed May 07 17:09:41 1997

Bill Manning <[email protected]> wrote:

>Of course there are those that simply see the PSTN as just one more way to
>move IP packets about.  Lets see; radio, wireless, sat-link, cable, lans,
>PSTN, avian-carrier, seismic-wave...  lots of ways to move IP packets about.

Yep.  So far the only realistic way to move massive amounts of
long-distance traffic is fiber.

>the PSTN is one, but not the only one.  And its not clear there is enough
>capacity in the PSTN to carry all the bits about.  Its not clear to me that
>ATM will continue to work at terabit rates..

It won't.  So what.  If you want to purchase a terabit router, write a
conditional purchase order -- you'll get it pretty soon.  I'm serious.

>SAR may be a bit tough to do at OC768-ish rates.

"Doctor, it hurts when i do that."  "Don't do it, then".

>And then there is all that PSTN infrastructure that will
>have to be replaced...

Yep.  It's only money.  They already have rights of way.

>push all that back on the rate payers?  you bet.

There's a lot of money to be made off Internet (i do not mean browsers
and search engines).  I'd rather think that capital is quite interested
in the opportunity.

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