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Re: Info on MAE-EAST

  • From: Brett L. Hawn
  • Date: Thu Jan 16 07:33:00 1997

On Thu, 16 Jan 1997, Michael Dillon wrote:

> This is probably a worst-case scenario. What about Ethernet cross-connects
> using the 6 port cards? Or zero-mile T1's using the 8 port serial cards?
> And you are assuming a full mesh which isn't necessarily what people need.
> I don't think you can generalize about what a provider wants from an
> Exchange Point especially not in a world in which exchange points are
> breeding like rabbits.

Maybe, maybe not, I've done a fair bit of watching to see where packets are
flying in my short time. Now I don't pretend to be an expert, not by a long
shot, and someone spank me if I'm way off but... From what I've seen, in any
given city (assume a reasonable size of 200,000+) 50% or more of the traffic
is local. By providing reasonable rates for private interconnects at a local
peering point, one can not only speed up the response for customers but cut
down on a great deal of traffic that needn't circle the globe to get to its
destination. If we cut down on the amount of hops packets have to take, we
cut down on congestion, etc.. or am I just being idealistic :)

[-]                Brett L. Hawn (blh @ nol dot net)                       [-]
[-]                Networks On-Line - Houston, Texas                       [-]
[-]                           713-467-7100                                 [-]

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