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Re: GigaRouter (Was Re: Cisco as Big Brother))

  • From: Rob Liebschutz
  • Date: Sat Oct 19 18:23:21 1996

> Michael Dillon writes:
> > You can also try building a machine with a boot device like the 2.88
> > megabyte floppies. Using the same techniques FreeBSD uses for their boot
> > disks, you can decompress the boot floppy into a large RAMDISK and run
> > that way. Or simply use a ZIP drive for the boot device but run from RAM
> > as before. It's not as good as 100% solid state but it comes pretty close.
> This isn't clear to me. Why do you assume a ZIP is likely to be more reliable
> that a hard disk? ZIPs haven't been around long enough to be sure of this,
> and HDs are pretty reliable these days.
> Of course I'm not saying that I *Want* to use an HD in this situation; flash
> is clearly a big win. But I don't see how using a floppy or ZIP improves
> wins.
> FWIW, I suspect that building a 1.4MB fs that can boot and then nfs-mount
> (or ftp to a memory fs) needed binaries would be not a lot harder for FreeBSD
> or BSDi than it was for NetBSD.

Not really, the BSDI installation procedure does it with one floppy.
The BSDI bootstrap knows how to load a gzipped kernel image.  I've
made modified boot disks from their installation procedure.  I've
never turned on NFS though, and admittedly it's all packed in there
tight enough that every time I want to do something else I'm deleting
one thing to add another.  An 8mb flash card for $300 would be
very nice if it worked.


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