North American Network Operators Group

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Re: BBN outage

  • From: Sanjay Dani(maillists)
  • Date: Fri Oct 11 19:35:35 1996

> Most of the SF Bay Area portion of BBN Planet's network has been offline
> since late last night. I've finally heard, via a friend who is a major
> customer of theirs, that they are having power problems in Palo Alto.
> Now, I haven't heard a peep about this on any of the mailing lists I'm on...
> and since knowing about BIG outages like this would make it easier for
> me to answer my customer's questions... am I missing something? 
> Is there a mailing list that I should be on? Or is this just a private
> BBN issue that I'd need to call their ops center people about (people who
> I'm sure are very very busy without small network operators calling them)

I guess they figured since it made the headlines on this morning, everybody knows about it.

On an unrelated note, I still have hard time believing
companies like Sun are single homed through bbnplanet
and have no backup when things like this happen.

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