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Re: [NIC-960209.1757] Routing Problem (fwd)

  • From: Scott Mace
  • Date: Thu Feb 22 01:40:39 1996

> > Newspapers and TV stations are content providers, only a few ISPs are content
> > providers.  ISPs are more "packet movers" than anything else, so it comes down
> > to who can move packets the best, not who has more appealing packets.  And this
> > boils down to technical competance.  I can only see "Internet Content" providers
> > banding together.  
> That and the fact that ISP owners seem to have larger ego's to protect, for
> some reason.  You can no longer claim "I have more bandwidth than you do."
> It's a pity, really.  It prevents local traffic exchanges from being as
> popular as they might, as well.
> Dave

Local exchanges will play a VERY big role if national providers go with a use
sensitive rate.  I think the "spirit of cooperation" is present in many ISP but
takes a second chair alot of times.  I've seen direct competitors pool together
in a few isolated cases and generally it was in an effort to drive to another
market (other cities in thise case).  Also as some "ISPs" departmentalize into
Network providers, Content providers, etc., more cooperation will follow.  In
alot of the marketplaces there are literally fueds between competing ISPs (some
techinical some business) and it is REALLY hard to convince bean counters why they
cooperate with someone who would just as well see you go out of business.  

[email protected] - KC5NUA - Scott Mace - Network Engineer - Neosoft Inc.
Any opinions expressed are mine.