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Re: US Domain -- County Delegations

  • From: Vadim Antonov
  • Date: Thu Jul 27 19:32:55 1995

> >Or, even better, for major metropolitan areas like SF, LA, NYC,
> >CHI etc the name central city can be used instead of state.

Michael Dillon wrote:
>This would seem to indicate that geographical domains are a bad idea and
>that domain names should be based on some characteristic that is less
>likely to change over time.

The geographical position (modulo state/metro area) of an organization
or an individual _is_ the most stable characteristic, on average.
Moving long-distance is hard and few people or companies do that
more than two times in their life.

What i was talking about is that using state names does not
provide sufficient granularity. It makes sense to use "locales"
instead of historical administrative domains.  I.e. a person living
in Kansas City will likely to think of it  as of a single city,
not something between Missouri and Kansas.

And, anyway, the goal is to make hierarchy deeper, without making
it hard to use.  <city>.<state>.us is too long to type.  <state>.us
is not enough; so here goes my proposal of "extended states".
