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auto-dbm outage

  • From: Jake Khuon
  • Date: Fri Jul 07 22:28:53 1995

There was a failure in the auto-dbm mechanism sometime between tuesday and
thursday night.  Any objects submitted during that time failed acceptance. 
The problem has been corrected and Merit is attempting to resubmit objects
from the mail logs.  This will take some time.  However, if you feel that
your objects did not make it into the database, please resubmit it to
[email protected] for auto-parsing.  We are sorry for any inconveniences the
outage has caused and are taking steps to see that problems such as this do
not crop up again.  Thank your patience.

/*====================[ Jake Khuon <[email protected]> ]=====================+
 | Systems Research Programmer, IE Group       /| /|[~|)|~|~ N E T W O R K |
 | Vox: (313) 763-4907   Fax: (313) 747-3185  / |/ |[_|\| |   Incorporated |
 +======[ Suite C,  Bldg. 1  4251 Plymouth Rd.  Ann Arbor, MI 48105 ]======*/