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Re: Comcast blocking p2p uploads

  • From: Daniel Senie
  • Date: Sat Oct 20 10:35:56 2007

At 07:36 AM 10/20/2007, William Allen Simpson wrote:

Mikael Abrahamsson wrote:
I cannot access relevant pages on due to me not being in the US (or rather, they require an address first), could anyone please paste or other way supply the wording/text they use in their fineprint, to allow them contractually to disrupt customer TCP session in other way than delaying or dropping the packets (which I guess is accepted industry standard).
Sending/spoofing RST on certain customer TCP sessions doesn't qualify as normal network behaviour in my mind, so would be interesting to hear how they word it legally.
They don't, Comcast is egregiously in violation of their own AUP!

It is interesting to note that the terms of service given on say nothing about restrictions on use. I make the distinction between and for an important reason: is where folks go to sign up. is a portal for existing users. In other words, it appears this AUP is not posted (at least not that I could find) on the sales-oriented page. Does the user actually agree to this AUP prior to signing a commitment with Comcast?

Of course the AUP starts with the usual big-business text (popular with credit card companies too) that says the company is free to make any adjustments to the AUP at any time. In all the years I've been a Comcast customer at home, I don't recall any notices about changes to the terms of service. The credit card companies at least tell you, and advise if you don't agree you can cancel your account.