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Re: OT: How to stop UltraDNS sales people calling

  • From: Jay Hennigan
  • Date: Tue Nov 28 15:03:10 2006

Andy Davidson wrote:


I am really fed up of calls from UltraDNS - we seem to get them every
few days. We don't need their product.
We've tried saying no, and additionally we've tried putting people on
hold indefinitely, trying to be enough of a nuisance to drop off their
sales call list (works with UK telcos - try it).

I just had a guy on hold for 18 minutes before taking him off hold to
say that we didn't want their product, and could he please stop calling.

He told me he would still calling until he got through to the right
person. I am the right person.
It sounds like Jane Barbe is the right person. Capture their caller ID, set your asterisk dialplan to forward to (or play a recording of) the intercept announcement of your choice. Or if UltraDNS has a toll-free number, letting them eat their own excrement for a while can be fun.

Jay Hennigan - CCIE #7880 - Network Engineering - [email protected]
Impulse Internet Service -
Your local telephone and internet company - 805 884-6323 - WB6RDV