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Re: Battery Maint in LEC equipment

  • From: Michael Loftis
  • Date: Tue Jun 07 22:06:31 2005

--On June 5, 2005 8:11:41 PM -0700 Jay Hennigan <[email protected]> wrote:

The corollary to this question:

If your data center has an adequate DC plant, will the carriers insist
on installing their own batteries and rectifiers?  And how many of them
have redundant supplies to take advantage of an A and B feed from you?
There's no typical response. Here in QWest territory they drop their own cabinet and pull AC power for their own rectifiers and battery string inside the cabinet. (I helped lump the freaking batteries oy...)

"Genius might be described as a supreme capacity for getting its possessors
into trouble of all kinds."
-- Samuel Butler