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Re: Battery Maint in LEC equipment

  • From: Sean Donelan
  • Date: Sun Jun 05 00:05:02 2005

On Sat, 4 Jun 2005, David Lesher wrote:
> Have any NANOG'ers [NANOGites? NANOGees?] run into this? Again, this
> is LEC owned, LEC maintained, equipment....Do you provide generator
> power for such in your space?

Generally, the ILECs were the only ones that did this.  I've had multiple
CLECs (Brooks, MFS, WilTel, etc) install fibermux cabinets, none of them
provided any backup batteries by default.  They used local building power,
and we had to make sure they were connected to our backup generator.

If you wanted to pay for it, some of the CLECs would add batteries.  But
it wasn't part of the base package.