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Re: "Vint Cerf Says Symmetry is Beautiful"

  • From: Mikael Abrahamsson
  • Date: Thu Mar 31 12:01:36 2005

On Thu, 31 Mar 2005, Fergie (Paul Ferguson) wrote:

Cerf Says Symmetry is Beautiful
Of course, from a technical point of view I am all for symmetrical connections as well.

From a commercial perspective I think that it's hard to recouperate cost
from a 10 meg symmetrical connection when the customer is running p2p and is using most of that bw 24/7 and is only paying $40 or so for that pleasure. Yes, one can degrade that customers performance by ratelimiting or such, or prioritizing other customers traffic or something else, but the 90/10 rule saves some of it, the problem is when the 90% start doing the same, then the flat rate business model is a problem and does not scale.

Mikael Abrahamsson email: [email protected]