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Re: Tier-2 reachability and multihoming

  • From: G Pavan Kumar
  • Date: Thu Mar 24 00:09:19 2005

On Wed, 23 Mar 2005, Michael Loftis wrote:

I think that likely you're looking at partial data (well i am sure you are, since i'm part of the internet and you didn't' get routing data from me...)
Duh !
and not seeing paths because of that. The BGP tables of a single node list all outward paths to other places. Thus from a single sample point it is totally impossible to 'map' the internet.

Not to mention the *constant* change in routing.
Actually, I am not doing what you think I am. I am using the RouteViews aggregation of the BGP routing tables. RouteViews is a project at the univ. of Oregon that peers with backbones and other ASes at interesting locations so as to make it as comprehensive as possible. Also, it updates the data every 2 hours of everyday. So, I am looking at almost full and fresh data :>