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  • From: Dave Dennis
  • Date: Tue Mar 15 13:58:35 2005

On Tue, 15 Mar 2005, Micah McNelly wrote:

> Actually I got a response quickly from a list member who represent sorbs
> at some level.  Do you really think opinion has a place in mail
> delivery?  What if the USPS decided any magazine you subscribed to was
> suddenly unfit for delivery and decided it should blocked (thrown away)?
> /m

Well, anyone remember the Comstock Act?

But seriously, the analogy here is a bit false.  It would be like
the recipient of the mail signed up to use a service that inspected
their mail for them, and made the decisions you are describing.

You can argue that signing up for such a service is silly, wrong headed,
ill informed and results in unintended consequences.  But you cannot argue
that it is government censorship.

+ Dave Dennis
+ Seattle, WA
+ [email protected]