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Re: Sincerely requesting help for my Doctoral Research

  • From: just me
  • Date: Sat Dec 11 15:08:30 2004

On Fri, 10 Dec 2004, Ananth wrote:

  As part of my doctoral dissertation, I am
  working on how best to come to a consensus when
  capturing knowledge, and am studying the effectiveness
  of two techniques. I am writing to request help
  because in order for my research to contribute
  meaningfully, I need the participation of real world
  experts and not students.

Spend a few days reading nanog and you'll realize that there isnt a 
lot of expertise here on coming to consensus. I'd direct you to the 
ietf which has always been chartered as consensus-driven, but in my 
experience, thats not the case either.

good luck,

matt ghali

[email protected]<darwin><
              The only thing necessary for the triumph
              of evil is for good men to do nothing. - Edmund Burke