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RE: Unflattering comments about ISPs and DDOS

  • From: D. Campbell MacInnes
  • Date: Mon Dec 06 21:48:58 2004

> > "reconfigure their mail programs to point at Comcast's servers, and 
> > each phone call to the help desk costs $9."
> And they couldn't spend say:
> $1.00 per CD with a vb script or instructions on doing this
> $100.00 (far fetched price) to have an interactive 
> step-by-step flash video created to show their customers
> $1000.00 (far fetched price) to set up some VXML based number 
> with a "Press 1 to RTFM... Press 2 to RTFM again"
> Even at an uber high charge (800/866 toll) of say $4.00 per 
> call, they could still implement the changes save tons of 
> money, and tons of aspirin when their headaches go away. 
> Maybe someone here can draft up a $10,000,000.00 pitch it to 
> them become an instant millionaire and save Comcast some 
> money at the same time.

Speaking as someone who has run a (admittedly small) help/support desk,
I can say in no uncertain terms that you would be astounded at the
number of customers who will ignore every single one of these solutions
and fight their way through to a live person simply because "that
couldn't possibly have anything to do with MY problem".

Not saying Comcast is right to not do it (though I'm also not saying
they SHOULD do it), but I am saying that their figures, while likely
somewhat inflated, probably aren't nearly as inflated as some might
think they are.

D. Campbell MacInnes