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Re: Pay-As-You-Use High-Speed Internet?

  • From: Valdis.Kletnieks
  • Date: Fri May 14 17:38:21 2004

On Fri, 14 May 2004 17:22:03 EDT, "Jonathan M. Slivko" <[email protected]>  said:

> Personally, I would like to see a senario where everyone just pays for 
> what they use - it would be a much better system for allowing people who 

> Questions? Comments? Suggestions?

Who pays for a DDoS attack, or getting flooded by bounces from a spammer's
joe-job or A/V companies warning spam when somebody else's box spoofs my
e-mail address?

If they have a website, who pays how much if it's slashdotted?  (Serious
question there - I may have budgeted for only several hundred or a thousand
hits a day, and if 200K hits costs too much, I may be in trouble...)

How do you handle disputes?  Who has the burden of proof?

Those are all questions I'd be asking as a potential customer..

And the biggie for you is: How do you handle these issues on a low margin? ;)

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