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Re: who offers cheap (personal) 1U colo?

  • From: Ken Diliberto
  • Date: Mon Mar 15 02:30:00 2004

Andrew Dorsett wrote:

On Mon, 15 Mar 2004, Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:

Andrew Dorsett  [3/15/2004 9:52 AM] :

Well whats wrong with you setting up a small router and using one IP?  The
crap I hear most of the time is that they want to only issue one ip per
Nothing particularly wrong with it as long as there's some mechanism to
zero in on rooted / abused machines there.
Exactly my point!  But so many universities and small ISPs are against it
with a vengance.  Like I keep saying, they are sharing one wall portal. I
know go to that keystone, find the hub and then go "Who's is this?"  Tell
them to clean up their machine because its infected and give them what I it was ip blah blah or sorry I can't tell you anything because
it was coming through your NAT box and all I see is a single IP.

Personally, shhh don't tell certain people who I know are lurking on this
list :)  But I ran a NAT box with 4 machines at one point.  An XP box for
my general use, an SGI box for development, a linux box for development,
and another linux box acting as my ftp server.

Something else I just remembered:

Connecting so much equipment in our dorms creates a fire hazard. The are only two or three outlets (what I've been told) in a room shared by two or three students. Add to the computer equipment a TV, stereo, DVD player, alarm clocks, cordless phones, etc., etc., etc. and you have the makings for newspaper headlines. Hasn't happened yet to my knowledge, but it could and students don't consider these things.
