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Re: Interesting BIND error

  • From: Joe Abley
  • Date: Thu Feb 12 18:01:33 2004

On 12 Feb 2004, at 16:52, Brian Wallingford wrote:

We've been seeing the following on all of our (9.2.1) authoritative
nameservers since approximately 10am today. Googling has turned up
nothing; I'm currently trying to glean some useful netflow data. Just
wondering if this is local, or if others have suddenly seen the same.

Seems harmless enough, but the logging is eating a disproportionate amount
of cpu.
I'm not a BIND developer, and I don't have a good answer to your question.

However, it may be worth mentioning that the most recent production release of BIND 9 was version 9.2.3; while you're spending cycles wondering what's up with your 9.2.1 install, you might as well burn a few more and upgrade :-)
