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RE: CCO/ issues.

  • From: Sean McPherson
  • Date: Tue Oct 07 13:43:01 2003


>We're continuing the work the issue, and would be grateful if operators 
>would check for 40-byte spoofed TCP headed towards and 
>trace/block it as warranted. Your patience and understanding are greatly 
>Roland Dobbins <[email protected]> // 408.527.6376 voice


Are these spoofed addresses from any range specifically in relation to the 
'real' source address (ie, are they spoofing other IPs in the same subnet 
or CIDR range, a specific known range, or just random routable addresses)?

I've run some netflow filters and have seen some traffic (very small 
amounts) that could match the very simple 40-byte payloads to that /32 
traversing out of a few customers' gear, but I was hoping to not have to 
start digging into traffic to see if it originated in the 'right' places 
if you already had any ideas. That said, I don't want to ignore the fact 
it's not much traffic, since with enough zombied machines, a lot of 'trickles' 
forms a flood!


Sean McPherson
nanog <@ is the at sign> seanmcpherson dotcom