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RE: Navy Marine Corps Internet hit

  • From: Scott Weeks
  • Date: Wed Aug 20 16:41:38 2003

On Wed, 20 Aug 2003, McBurnett, Jim wrote:

: -It sounds like a "turnkey" operation, with EDS managing everything.  They
: -may have 100,000 users with identical configurations (software, patch
: -levels, etc) in one big flat network.  A large homogeneous population is
: -vulnerable to a common infection.  Nachia has a very effecient scanning
: -and infection process, particularly if your entire network uses RFC1918
: -address space internally.
: As a former Marine, and IT support staff member..
: The Military uses REAL WORLD IP's on ALL systems.
: I won't mention IP's. BUT they have all RW on every system.
: Not quite a flat net either...
: It is rather a unique system, to say the least.....

Do you know if they segment the network into the zones I spoke of?  Why
would they be so ravaged as to have a network which could "become so
congested by worm traffic it can not be used for useful work" if the
security was in place at the ingress/egress of each security area?
Special policy that wouldn't allow proper technological solutions?
