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Re: FW: Suspension of posting rights for Jim Fleming

  • From: Stephen Sprunk
  • Date: Fri Sep 13 12:21:08 2002

Thus spake "Joe Baptista" <[email protected]>
> Does not change the fact no one has yet challenged him on the technical
> issues he's raised.  They just complain about his posting habits etc. etc.
> It's like watching a room full of techs who have taken up the profession
> of interior decorators and argue how the technology would look so much
> better in a red backdrop - very droll ;)

The very few legitimate technical issues I've seen him raise were dealt with
several years ago and documented in RFCs.  The vast majority of what he posts,
however, is inflamatory political diatribe which only appears to have technical
content to non-technical folks such as reporters.

Jim has set himself up to be a martyr instead of trying to be productive.  He
clearly has no interest in working within the existing engineering framework nor
with its consensus model.  Until he does so, anybody with half a clue will
ignore him for good reason.