North American Network Operators Group

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RE: How do you stop outgoing spam?

  • From: alex
  • Date: Tue Sep 10 16:02:57 2002

> Steganography looked great in that hollywood movie Along Came a Spider
> with Morgan Freeman (or at least the 'screen friendly' version they
> portrayed) but a recent study of millions of graphics across USENET
> found zero steganographic images. Great theory, no examples found in the
> wild, other than in Hollywood scripts and some folk trading porn of the
> type not usually posted to the public Internet.

Steno principals are alive and well. Covert channel transmissions are alive
and well. Both were used to bypass compartmentalization on a certain secure
OS. If anyone needs to encode data in valid HTML to tunnel it through a
firewall, it *will* be done. Several years ago, we had implementations of
telnet over email, I am sure modifying it to do telnet over HTML would be a
rather trivial task.
