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Re: NANOG, its decline in s/n

  • From: Rob Healey
  • Date: Thu Aug 08 11:44:33 2002

> I've been a lurker on the list for a good long while now, and recently I
> have become pretty active. I think a lot of the pro's post, and the
> problem isn't that the people are banished to (I like
> that by the way.), but that the people that originally asked the
> question endlessly debate the advice that gets posted by people that
> really know what they're talking about. This causes a great deal of
> frustration, and it's how the endless loops in threads end up happening

	I've noticed that alot of the advise given is appropriate for
	larger, i.e. tier 1, setups but isn't necessarily as useful
	for tier 2/3/N+1.

	Things that work great in large scale might be unweildy or not
	even feasable on a smaller scale and vice-versa.

	North American Network Operators aren't necessarily just tier 1's...

	This might be one of the causes of "energetic" discussion when one tier
	answers what makes sense for its scale but another tier is puzzled why
	anyone would ever consider such an approach.

	To avoid confusion in the future it might be helpful for both
	questioner's and answerers to mention what scale their addressing
	in the question/answer.

	Just a suggestion,
