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Re: NSPs filter?

  • From: Chris Woodfield
  • Date: Mon Aug 05 09:10:56 2002

I would filter only if the root server operator is complaining about 
it...not to say I would do nothing; I would most definitely give the 
customer a call and strongly advise them to set up a local resolver, 
citing the volume of redundant traffic they're paying for...


On Sun, Aug 04, 2002 at 09:15:26PM -0700, Stephen Stuart wrote:
> > IMO, Commercial ISPs should never filter customer packets unless
> > specifically requested to do so by the customer, or in response to a
> > security/abuse incident.
> Let's say the customer operates some big enterprise network, runs
> their infrastructure in RFC1918 space ("for security," hah), and spews
> a couple kilobits of DNS query from that RFC1918 space toward the root
> nameservers. Assume that either pride or ignorance will prevent the
> customer from ever asking you to filter what you know to be garbage
> traffic. Does your rule to "never filter customer packets" mean you're
> going to sit and watch those packets go by?
> If yes, why?
> Stephen

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